
Snow Day

Wow - we got snow! Well, we got some snow and some ice. But, the cool thing is that it was perfect for "sledding"! Ella and daddy used a cookie sheet for a sled and boy, did they have fun!

Here is a video of Ella sledding down the hill. She had so much fun. After she got done sledding, she would even push the cookie sheet down the sled as her "friends" were sledding :)

It's a wonder Clint could walk the next day...this one of several times!

It's a wonder Ella could walk either. She did have lots of bruises on her knees...but according to her, it was well worth it!


Mary Catherine playing

Mary Catherine is really moving these days. She is getting around pretty quickly when she has her mind set on it. Love this video - as she makes it to the toy, into the mouth the thumb goes. I think it is so funny to see her try to do things with her left hand even though her thumb is still in her mouth. Trying to multi-task early, I guess :)


The Big Red Barn

Ella and I were reading "The Big Red Barn" tonight before bedtime. When we got towards the end of the book, we saw a picture of a cow. She said, "Look mom, that cow is about to poop," as she pointed to the cows utters.



This reminds me so much of Ella when she was a baby. The camera's batteries were really low - so the video is pretty grainy...but still cute.

Here is a classic video of Ella in the jumper when she was 7 months old.


The girls

So, she is getting into everything now. She discovered that she could crawl under the exersaucer.
Wow - whole new world under here :)
I just love this picture. Mary Catherine reminds me so much of Ella when she was this age. It's amazing how similar they look in some pictures, and then how different they look in others.

Sweet sisters - laughing...music to my ears.



Mary Catherine loves her bathtime! Gotta be careful though, as curious as she is - she reaches out for everything!
Trying to crawl out...

Sweet girl - ready for bed. Love this picture b/c you can really see her two bottom teeth.


Mary Catherine 7 months

7 months - craziness! So much has happened during the past month and Mary Catherine has just grown by leaps and bounds. She really started scooting around. I wouldn't say she is crawling - or at least not the traditional crawl. She "army crawls." And she is getting faster and faster! There is no doubt that if she sees something across the room that she wants, she can get there. She also has gotten her two bottom teeth. Pretty painful coming in, but now that they are in, they are just as cute as can be. On Jan 2, Clint saw her go from a laying down position into a sitting position by herself. Pretty cool!

Looking up to big sister
Sweet thing!

She will get up on all fours, but hasn't figured out how to crawl like that yet. But, she's practicing.

It was the cutest thing. As i was in the kitchen cooking dinner, Ella and Mary Catherine were in the play room playing in Ella's house. I could hear them both laughing and giggling. It brought such joy to my heart to here them playing together!!

Static electricity

How funny is this? When we were got home from school today, when we took Ella's coat off of her, she had tons of static in her hair. We were laughing so hard!!


Princess Jeep

Ella and her new princess jeep. As she was riding around, she kept driving into the bushes, so I had to get her out in the yard more. I asked her if she wanted to drive around our cul-de-sac or in the yard. She said, "in the yard....I just want to drive in circles, Mom." And that is exactly what she did...around and around and around.

She looks like she is thinking about something really hard here...
Havin' a good ol' time.