Diaper in hand
For Christmas, Barbara gave the girls new princess pajamas. They are the first "dress" pajamas that Mary Catherine has ever worn. This morning, Ella came running into our room and jumped in our bed. As she and I were cuddling, Clint and I could here a "Ohh-hh-hh Ohh-hh-hh" coming down the hallway. Mary Catherine walked into our room with her diaper in her hand. Yes, the diaper she had slept in - not a new dry diaper - but the wet diaper she had been wearing all night long. We couldn't do anything but laugh and laugh. Guess we will need to put some bloomers on her or something the next time she wears her princess dress pajamas to bed!
Wesley - 12 weeks
Hard to believe that Wesley is already 12 weeks old! I think he has changed so much in the past couple of weeks!! He has really started cooing and making a rasping noise with his mouth. His whole face will just light up. The other day, while Clint and Ella were taking the decorations off of the Christmas tree (yes we are late getting everything down), as Wesley sat in the bouncy seat, he and I just carried on a conversation. We just talked and talked. It was so much fun!!
He loves his hands. He clasps them together all the time. He puts in them in his mouth all of the time too. I think he is searching for his thumb! He will still take his pacifier, but he loves his hands!! The other night after his middle of the night feeding, he couldn't seem to be able to go back to sleep right away. He wouldn't take his pacifier either - he just kept spitting it out. I finally just gave up and went back to bed. I could hear him over the monitor coo out loud a couple of times and I could tell he was eating his hands. Then the next thing I knew, he was sound asleep!!
He even rolled over from his tummy to his back yesterday for the first time. It was so funny! Ella and I were just playing with him and totally didn't expect him to do it - which of course, he didn't expect it either. You could tell he was a little freaked out by the change in direction. I have also noticed here in the past couple of days that he is reaching out for things now. Like tonight at dinner, he reached out to the zebra on his swing and was jut hanging onto it. He is mesmerized by the animals that hang down in the baby Einstein play gym. He will just lay there and stare and then swat at them.
My favorite moment right now is sometimes when he is finished nursing, he will just take those big eyes, gaze up at me, smile and then say cooooo. It is just sweet, genuine love.

He loves his hands. He clasps them together all the time. He puts in them in his mouth all of the time too. I think he is searching for his thumb! He will still take his pacifier, but he loves his hands!! The other night after his middle of the night feeding, he couldn't seem to be able to go back to sleep right away. He wouldn't take his pacifier either - he just kept spitting it out. I finally just gave up and went back to bed. I could hear him over the monitor coo out loud a couple of times and I could tell he was eating his hands. Then the next thing I knew, he was sound asleep!!
He even rolled over from his tummy to his back yesterday for the first time. It was so funny! Ella and I were just playing with him and totally didn't expect him to do it - which of course, he didn't expect it either. You could tell he was a little freaked out by the change in direction. I have also noticed here in the past couple of days that he is reaching out for things now. Like tonight at dinner, he reached out to the zebra on his swing and was jut hanging onto it. He is mesmerized by the animals that hang down in the baby Einstein play gym. He will just lay there and stare and then swat at them.
My favorite moment right now is sometimes when he is finished nursing, he will just take those big eyes, gaze up at me, smile and then say cooooo. It is just sweet, genuine love.
Boy did it ever snow!!! We never dreamed that it would snow this much, but it sure did. It was pretty amazing! We didn't really play in it that much though. When Clint got home from work, he and Ella went outside and played around a little. It was a little too powdery to go sledding. Mary Catherine was tired and needed a nap. She was starting to get a cold, too, so it was a good thing she didn't go outside. Wesley was napping also when Clint and Ella went out.
Ella was measuring the snow.
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