Well, today is the day. Couldn't have asked for an easier morning. As soon as Ella woke up, she got her clothes and got dressed. She was ready! :) She and Mary Catherine got along so well, too. The played and laughed. It was so cute.

Clint took MC and Wesley on to school and Ella and I headed out to Buena Vista. As we started to walk in, I just choked up. She, on the other hand, just bounced down the hallway. We went to the cafeteria. I walked with her thru the line. She picked out Cheerios, milk, toast and grape jelly. At the end of the line, they asked for her name so that they could check to see if she was in the computer yet. I had to hold myself back from answering for her! She very confidently spoke up and said, "Ella Pearce". After that, we went and sat down. I quickly realized I had never let her open her own single-serving cereal package nor a carton of milk. So, I had to show her how to do that and explain that I wouldn't be there to open it for her next time (sob, sob, sob). By the time she finished, she had jelly all over her face. So, I also had to mention to her that she might need to ask her friends around her if she had jelly on her face next time :)
When she was done, I had her lead me to the Kindergarten hallway. She bravely followed the Koala pictures down each twist and turn. As she walked into her room, I had to remind her to come and give me a hug! She was so ready just to get the day started!

I left and walked to the cafeteria. I held it back. I wanted to cry so bad, but just kept it in. So many emotions to deal with!! They had a presentation for new parents that morning where several of the staff spoke about who they were and what they do at the school. After I left, I went home. Thank goodness I talked to Sheila on the phone for about an hour because that got me thru wanting to just sit and cry. I left the house and went shopping, ate some lunch, got a pedicure, came home and took a nap, went back shopping, cleaned the car and then headed to Children's House to get the kids. All throughout the day, I had moments of tears :) As soon as I saw Ella, she was just overwhelmed with joy. She was so excited. She very quickly told me that she had opened her own carton of milk for lunch, just like I showed her and put her straw in it...all by herself (sob, sob, sob).
That night, as she was telling Clint all about her day, he asked her if she got to play any that day.
Ella: "No, dad. We just learned all day."
Dad: "Really? What all did you learn about?"
Ella: "We just learned all about the rules"
She then went into a very animated explanation of the behaviour colors and what each one means.
Dad: "Then tell me something else that you learned about - other than the rules."
Ella: "Well, we just learned how to play outside."
Here's a few more pictures from the morning of Ella's first day of Kindergarten!
Gotta love this girl!!
Oh and one more thing...she did eat lunch at school. She had a baked potato, broccoli, peaches and chocolate milk. Sounds good to me, but what I want to know, when did she start liking baked potatoes? Why won't she eat them at home?? :)