
Big changes for Wes

It has been a BIG week for Wesley!!  We have been asking him for several months if he was ready to throw away his ah-sees (pacifiers).  Of course, his answer is always a resounding, "Nooo!".  We have asked if he wanted to give them to Mickey and Minnie."  And his answer is "Nooo!"  We have asked if he wants to give them to the babies at school.  And his answer is "Nooo!" 

Even on Sunday morning, he pitched a fit for his ah-see.  He, Ella and I had stayed home from church because Ella has been sick with an ear infection.  About 9:00, he wanted his ah-see.  I told him he had to go to his room if he wanted it.  After throwing a fit about it, he finally resigned to going to his room to play and have his ah-see. Within about 15 minutes, all was quiet upstairs.  When it dawned on me how quiet it was, I ran upstairs in a panic, only to find him passed out on the floor in front of his crib!
After lunch time, Ella, Mary Catherine and I were downstairs; Wesley was upstairs looking at us thru the catwalk, an ah-see in each hand.  He kept saying that he was going to throw them downstairs.  I told him if he did, we would have to throw them in the trash.  Ella proceeds to tell him that if he will throw his ah-sees away, he can get his big-boy bed, complete with a new comforter and sheets.  He said, "Oh, okay.  I want a big boy bed."  He then throws his ah-sees thru the rails to the floor below.  He quickly says, "Cafren, throw my ah-sees in the crash can.".  So, we did. 

So, now we are on a mission to find him some new bedding for his toddler bed.  Off we all go to Toys R Us.  We couldn't decide between Monsters, Inc, Thomas or Cars.  We finally chose Cars.  He was proud.  After we got home, we got the toddler bed down from the attic, put it together and cleaned it up.  He was excited!!
Say good bye to the crib!
Say hello to the toddler bed!

The kids wouldn't stay still long enough to get their pictures in the bed :) 

So, how'd it go?  I mean, move a child from the bed he has always slept in and take away his ah-sees that he has depended on since he was born.  Am I crazy? :)

Well, Sunday night, it actually went great!  He was so tired b/c he hadn't taken a nap since early that morning.  He was so excited about his bed that he forgot about his ah-see.  He never mentioned it.  That being said, he tossed and turned for about 30 minutes - he couldn't get settled.  Finally, I realized he wasn't used to the comforter or sheets, so I pulled them back, he rolled over on his tummy, I put his blanket on top of him and he was asleep in less than 2 minutes. Whew.  Easy shmeezy.  Well...

In the past, he has woken up in the middle of the night calling for him, "Mommy, I want my ah-see."  And of course, when I get in there, it is on the floor.  I give it back, he lays down and goes right back to sleep.  So, about 3 AM, he calls for me.  When I get in there, he says, "Mommy, I can't see with my eyes in here."  (his nightlight was off, so it was really dark).  It took an hour and several trips back in and finally saying, "Mommy isn't going to be really nice in the morning if I don't get some sleep.  Mommy is going to go back to bed to get some rest so I can be nice in the morning.".  He said, "Oh okay."  I didn't hear another peep from him that night.

He has asked for his ah-see several times over the past couple of days.  But, we just remind him that he threw them in the trash.  He seems disappointed, but accepts it.  He doesn't throw a fit or tantrum like he would before, which is nice.  I wouldn't say we have perfected the new bedtime routine.  He hasn't quiet gotten used to going to bed in his big-boy bed.  But, we are working thru it, one day at a time :)