
Meet the Teacher

Ella is starting 1st Grade!!  Her teacher this year is Mrs. Hegwood.  She is so excited.  We have been counting down the days.

She is all ready for her first day.  I was much more calm this year than I was last year, that's for sure.  It's still emotional seeing your once baby girl growing so fast and heading off to first grade.  She is tickled pink to meet her teacher.
Ella is excited about her new classroom. She found her desk immediately. 

And of course, Ella had to sit down and test it out.
 Ella and Mrs. Hegwood.  Looking forward to a great year!!


Ella Hair Donation to Pantene

Ella has been growing her hair out for awhile now. She wanted to get it cut short for school.  Since it has gotten so long, we have decided to cut it short enough so that we have enough length to donate to Pantene. 
Sue from work had given me some books today that her kids didn't read anymore.  Turned out to be great timing, as this was the perfect thing to keep Ella's mind off of getting her hair all cut off.
 All the ponies are in place.  Ready for the first cut.
 So serious.
 And here she is!!
 Beautiful, sweet girl!
And so excited to mail her hair to Pantene.  She even included a colored a picture and put it in the envelope.

Ready for Mimi and PaPa's!!

Mary Catherine and Wes are going to stay with Mimi and PaPa for a week. This is the first time that Wes has stayed away from me and Clint for this long.  Not sure that he fully understands what is going on, but he is looking forward to it!  He has told me several times though, "I will go to Mimi's all day long, and then I will come home tonight.".  We will see how he does!

Mary Catherine is all ready to go!


Wes is potty trained!

I can't believe it - but Wes is potty trained!  Dare I say it - but I think it is true!  He has been interested on and off again for a couple of months.  I obviously haven't pressured him at all, but would encourage him as needed to get on the potty.  He started showing more and more interest in it.  On Tuesday this week, he decided he wanted to wear his underwear on top of his pull-up to school.  I didn't think much about it.  When we got home, he had an accident and I was like, "Whoah buddy, I didn't realize you didn't have a pull-up on."

Well, on Wednesday morning when he got up, he didn't potty in his pull-up.  He went and got on his big boy potty.  Then, as we were getting dressed for school, he did not want to have anything to do with putting a pull-up on.  He wanted his Spider Man underwear.  So, I just went with it.

I packed like 5 shorts and 4 pairs of underwear for school that day - just in case.  You just never know. 

Well, when I got to school that afternoon to pick him up, I was shocked, surprised, excited to see...him...in the SAME pair of shorts I brought him to school in.  No accidents!!  For two days in a row, we have been accident free!! 


Dresses and tiaras

So, the other night, Wesley came down stairs, with purple dance dress in hand, and asked, "Mom, will you put this dress on me?"  I politely and quickly said, "No son, I will not put that dress on you.".  He went back upstairs.

A few minutes later, he came back downstairs and asked, "Mom, will you unbuckle my shirt?"  I asked, "Why do you want me to unbuckle your shirt?"  He said, "To put that dress on."   I said, "No, I won't unbuckle your shirt, why don't  you go ask your dad?"  So, he walked into the other room, walked up to Clint and simply asked, "Will you unbuckle my shirt please?".  So, Clint did. Wesley went upstairs.

A few minutes passed and Mary Catherine comes out in the hallway and yells thru the house, "Everyone come to the BIG SHOW!"

Well, you can only guess what was going on :)  Music and dance dresses!  Crown and all!

The funny thing was as Wes was dancing around the room, the crown started to fall.  He walked over to me and as serious as he could, he asked, "Hey Mom, will you hold my crown, please?"

So, the very next night, we were having another "big show".  Although this time, it was Wes in his Spider Man underwear and Mary Catherine in her ballet outfit.  As they were dancing around, Wes looked at me and said, "Mom, will you get me a Spiderman dress?"  Guess he has a thing or two to learn about dresses :)