
Childlike faith

On the way to school this morning Wes and I had the most interesting, tear jerking, humbling conversations.

It was all quiet and in the most sweet sincere voice...

Wes: Mom...did you know that God is a promise maker and a promise keeper. If he makes a promise he will keep His promise. 
Me: yep bud, you are right. 
Wes: so Mom. Have you ever had someone promise you something and then didn't do it?
I nodded yes.
Wes:   Tell me about it.

So we talked a little bit.


Wes: the other day at school, I asked all of my friends if they believed in God. You know my friend Madison?  She said she doesn't believe in God.
Me:  well bud, you know what we can do for her?  We can pray for her. 
Wes:  you know what else we can do?  Maybe one day, we can go to her house. We can take her a Bible. Maybe this weekend. Can we do that mom?

I love his heart for Jesus.  I pray that his love continues to group.  I pray that he never loses his child-like faith.  As Matthew 18: 4 says, "Truly, I say to you, unless you turn and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."