
My first day back to work

My first day back to work from maternity leave was September 24. It was so hard to go back to work after having 16 weeks off! Plus, we had been gone for the 2 weeks prior and we moved to Greenville on Sept 22. Carol came up to help me with the girls and the move. If it weren't for her, I don't think I would have made it to work on the 24th!!

I took the girls to school on Wed for a couple of hours so that we could unpack. The girls did really well - despite the fact that it was Mary Cat's first experience with school and it was a brand new school for Ella.

Thursday was their first full-day at school. Poor Mary Cat only slept for 20 minutes the whole day. So, she was a tired little girl that night. Ella seems to be enjoying her class, her new friends, and her new teachers. I still have the mommy guilt (most days), but so far, all is well. Day-care is day-care though - Friday/Saturday, they both started getting colds!!
On the upside though, Mary Cat has been sleeping thru the night - I mean, ALL NIGHT! She goes to bed between 7 and 7:30 PM and we have to wake her up at 7 AM. She has done that every night since I started work...hopefully, she will keep it up! I guess it is a trade-off though (part of the mommy-guilt coming in). It does stink that we don't have much time with her once we get off of work before she is ready for bed. She needs her sleep, I know that. I remember going thru the same thing when Ella started sleeping from 7PM to 7AM.

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