
Big girl bed

Yesterday, Ella and I went to town and bought bed rails for Mary Catherine. Clint put them on the bed last night (after suffering thru the worst instructions ever). So, after bath time and story time, we were ready to put Mary Catherine to bed. She was a bit confused, but since she was really tired, she didn't give us much grief about getting into the bottom bunk. She was a little confused, but laid right on down. She only cried for about 5 seconds before drifting off to sleep.

Ella, daddy and I watched Polar Express, so Ella was a little later going to bed than normal. When Ella went to bed, Mary Catherine was still sleeping soundly in her new big girl bed. Before we went to bed, Clint checked on her and everything still seemed to be A-Okay.

Could it really be this easy???

Even though I got up at 3 to feed Wesley, I didn't even think to check on the girls! At any rate, about 6:15 or 6:30 this morning, I heard some crying. When I went into the girl's room, Mary Catherine was laying on the floor, all balled up, with no lovey, crying. I picked her up, got her lovey and brought her into the play room. We got a blanket and just rocked and cuddled for about 20 minutes. She seemed so tired. So, I am not sure if it was really that "easy" for her. Not sure how long she was on the floor and really not sure how she even got out of the bed!!!

Guess we will see how it all goes tonight!

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