
Funny & Serious

So, the girls have said a few things this week that I want to remember - a couple that are funny and a couple that are serious.

Story 1
The other day as we were driving to school, Ella and I were talking about Nana's birthday coming up. Here is the conversation.
Ella:  Well, mom, how old is Nana going to be?
Me:  She will be 63 years old.  [sorry mom that I put that in my blog :) ]
Ella:  Oh..my..word!!!
Me (astonished):  What?
Ella:  Oh..my..word!!!
Me (still astonished): What is it honey?
Ella:  Wow - Nana sure is going to be tall!

Story 2
Warning:  If you don't like stories about poop, then don't read.
Wednesday night when we were driving home from church, Mary Catherine said "ohhh, my hinny hurts.".  Well, we know that when she says this, she really means she needs to go #2 in the potty.  So, we get home and of course it is late and I have 3 kids to get ready for bed (Clint had Bible study, so he wasn't home).   I get Wesley upstairs. Next thing I know, Mary Catherine is running around naked and I remember that she has to go potty.  So, I ask Ella to help her out.  After I get Wesley's diaper changed and pjs on, he and I go to the bathroom to check on MC.  She is sitting on the big potty just hanging out like a big girl.  I ask if she is okay and she says very serious, "Yeah...I not done yet.  I need to go more."  So, I tell her that I am going to go put Wesley to bed and I would be back in a few minutes to check on her.  She says, "Ok" and smiles her sweet smile.

So, I read Wesley a book and then lay him down.  I head back to the bathroom to check on MC and much to my surprise, MC is standing on her stool in front of the potty, facing the potty, bent over, with her head pretty close to the potty lid.  I gasp at the thought of what she might be doing and quickly ask, "Honey, are you okay?" 

She turns around and as serious as she can be simply says, "Yeah mom, I just smellin' it."

Story 3
So, one day on our way to school this morning, out of no where, Ella and I had this conversation.
Ella:  Mom, I saw a little kid die.  I don't know if it was a boy or if it was a girl.  But they died.  And I saw God's magic.  He came down and got that little kid and took them to heaven.
Me [having no idea how to respond or where this came from]:  Oh my, so, you don't know if it was a boy or a girl?  What happened?
Ella:  I don't know if it was a boy or a girl.  But they got hit by a car. The car was going to fast.  It was sad.  But God took them to Heaven.

So, where in the world did this come from?  It never seizes to amaze me what goes on in their little heads and what comes out of their little mouths.

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